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We have many tools to quickly and easily assist all skill levels through the AsukaBook design process.

Do you provide free design software?
Yes. We recommend using our free AsukaBook Maker design software, AsukaBook Photoshop Tool, or AsukaBook InDesign Tool.

Can I use other programs such as Smart Albums or Fundy to create my album layout?
Yes. You may use other design programs to lay out a product design. Note that additional steps will be required to ensure proper file setup.

Do you provide color correction and retouching services?
We do not offer this service and do not retouch or color correct any of the files provided. It is your responsibility to ensure that all corrections and adjustments to your images have been completed before designing and ordering. Please make sure you use a properly calibrated monitor and soft proof your design files. We print exactly what is submitted.

What is the proper image size for the layouts?
Our design tools create templates for the case, cover and inside page spreads that have a pre-set resolution and dimensions relative to each product. Adjustments to these settings will result in errors when uploading the files.

Why is it necessary to transfer designs to AsukaBook templates when designing in applications other than AsukaBook Maker or the Photoshop and Indesign Tools?
Transferring designs to our provided templates guarantees correct resolution, dimensions, and color space required for the production of our products.

Why are the templates blank?
The blank templates allow creative freedom when designing so you can add as many images, texts, and other graphic elements to the layout. If you would prefer to use pre-set image placement layout templates, we recommend using AsukaBook Maker which provides hundreds of them.

What do the Photoshop guidelines on the blank templates represent?
To turn the guides on, go to: View > Show > Guides.

  • The outer guidelines represent the area where the cover will be folded over board material.
  • The center guidelines represent the spine and divot.
Inside Spreads
  • The outer guidelines represent the area where the pages will be trimmed.
  • The center guidelines represent the center or gutter of the book.

Tip: Place your images at least 1/4 inch away from the blue guidelines to avoid any desired trimming.
Tip: Place image to the edge of the canvas to ensure a full bleed.
Tip: Place important parts of an image (such as a face) or text away from the center line to ensure nothing will be unintentionally lost in the gutter.

Can I have a variable number of pages/sides in my book?
Our page increments are pre-set. One page has two sides. Most products offer 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 sides, but some offer other options. Our NeoClassic and Heirloom albums all have a maximum of 60 sides, while the Crystal Board has a maximum of 40. The Crystal, Zen Layflat books, and Art Layflat Book offer sides in even increments between 10 and 100 sides. Our Vista Layflat Book, Curve book, USB/Keepsake Presentation Book, and DVD Presentation Book provide options starting at four sides.

How many images can I place on each page/side?
You may place as many images as you would like.

Can I add text as part of the design?
You may add text anywhere on the design. We recommend not placing text on the divot area or close to trim lines and gutters as any text and image information placed there may be lost.

What laser inscription fonts are available on the Heirloom album?
We offer three fonts for you to choose from - Cursive, Sans-Serif and Serif. The approximate font size varies for each size of book. A 10x10 is 24pt, an 8x8 is 18pt, and a 5x5 is 13 pt.

What is the font and size of the hot stamp text?
The font type is Skia which is a Mac OS standard font. You have up to 30 characters including spaces and only a single line of text. The approximate font size varies for each size of book. For example, a 10x10 is 24pt, an 8x8 is 18pt, a 7x7 is 16 pt, a 5x5 is 13 pt, etc.

Do I have to place an image on the cover?
You have complete creative freedom! Add images, graphic elements, and text as you wish. The template may also be left blank or filled with a solid color!

Can you design on the spine or back cover of the Crystal albums?
The front cover of the album is the only designable space. The spine and back are covered in a xxxxx.

Do I have to convert my files to CMYK before submitting?
No. Submit your files in either Adobe RGB or sRGB. The production center will convert the files to CMYK for you.

How do I resize my layout from one product size or style to another?
AsukaBook Maker: Go to Tools > Change Book Type.
Photoshop: Use the AsukaBook Photoshop Tool's Convert Book feature.
InDesign: Use the AsukaBook InDesign Tool's Convert Book feature.

Once converted to a new size and/or style, be sure to review your entire design to ensure everything looks correct.

When saving images in JPEG format, which degree of compression should be used?
We recommend the image quality be set to 11(Maximum) with "Baseline Optimized."

Can you provide a proof sheet of my book order before it is printed?
We do not offer proof sheets, but a single side or spread test print can be produced for a fee. Contact customer care to request a test print.

Are there any restrictions on what can be printed?
AsukaBook requires that you have copyright permission for all images included in your order. In addition, your files will not be sent into production if they contain illegal and/or immoral content, or if the subject may be offensive to the public. We are also unable to print books with exposed genitalia or that show implied sexual acts.

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